Online Therapy Sessions Available
Safe, Secure, Counseling for Individuals, Couples, and Families in Alabama
Teletherapy Sessions Available
Online Sessions are available
You know you need some help but life keeps getting in the way! You are a parent, working, and have so many responsibilities! How can you possibly fit in caring for yourself, let alone therapy?
But you have seen therapy work for others- friends and family, people you love have really benefitted from therapy. How can you carve out time for yourself?
Online therapy may be the answer you are looking for!
Online therapy is convenient
When you are stressed trying to get to appointments, running in traffic, leaving work, or finding a babysitter- we get it. Fitting in therapy is just too hard. Online therapy, though, provides a safe, confidential, convenient space for you to meet with your therapist and continue to work on yourself. We know there are so many things that can get in the way of making your in-person therapy appointments like sickness, work, childcare, inclement weather, and vacations. And we want to provide therapy that is easy and convenient because let’s face it- happy people don’t necessarily come to therapy. Clients will often seek out therapy when they know they need help because their regular coping strategies are no longer working.
Regular weekly appointments will hit your goals faster
At Sparrow Counseling, we know that regular weekly appointments are what will get you to your goals faster than if you come in sporadically. Why? Because that is what the research tells us!
We don’t want you to be in therapy forever!
We know good therapy costs money as well as your time. We do not want you coming and not hitting your goals as quickly as possible. That is why weekly, regular, consistent appointments will help you reach those goals more quickly. Online therapy can help you make therapy a priority so you don’t have to miss appointments and you can reach your goals faster.
Online therapy in Alabama
A great takeaway from COVID that therapists have realized is that we can help people all over the state we are licensed in. We do not have to be limited to just seeing clients who are within driving distance. This opens up a lot of people in Alabama who can now receive services that could not before we expanded our online therapy platform. We have done family sessions where family members live all over the state of Alabama. Online therapy provided a safe forum for family members to meet and work through their grievances with each other. This also works if divorced parents are living in different areas of the state and want to do coparenting therapy.