How CAN Non-Custodial Parents support Custodial Parents? (Part 1)

Photo of dad and 3 kids. Do you want to know how you can support your coparent? Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL explains how non custodial parents can support custodial parents.

The temptation in coparenting is to believe that the grass is always greener on the other side and all the crap is in YOUR part of the pasture. The reality is that coparenting is hard on either side of the fence as a custodial or non-custodial parent.  A custodial parent has the most physical time with the child and cares for the child in regard to the day-to-day decisions.  A non-custodial parent is one who does not have primary physical custody but can still have legal rights and should play an important part in their life.   I decided to write a 2-part series to focus on the common issues custodial parents (CPs) and non-custodial parents (NCPs) each feel.  The goal of these two blogs is to come to a shared understanding of each other.   Below are 6 common issues custodial parents may feel.  Underneath each issue, I give suggestions (in bullet points) on how a non-custodial parent can support their custodial parent in healthy and productive ways.

Common issues for Custodial Parents are:

1.  Feeling non-stop responsibility 24/7

For the custodial parent, even weekends without the child include thinking about them, planning your week around them, and having the feeling like you are never truly "off".  In addition to working, custodial parents often assume responsibility for kids’ schedules, doctor appointments, homework as well as most of the disciplining that goes into raising a child.

Non-custodial parents can:

  • Be a safe place where the CP can come and ask for your help without feeling guilt, shame, or resentment

  • Offer to bring dinner or take kids out without keeping a scorecard

  • Offer to help with homework

  • Help with carpooling even when it isn’t your day (consistent time in the car with your kids can be some of the best times you get with them!)

  • Keep kids on the custodial parent’s schedule (except in special circumstances) so that when they are returned they are not exhausted, leaving the custodial parent to deal with them

  • On the weekends you have the kids, ask the CP if there is anything the kids need you can get them (shoes, clothes) or any schoolwork you can help with to ease the burden during the week

  • Consistently give your appreciation for all the CP does that goes unappreciated

    2. Feeling like the bad guy.

    Custodial parents often become the consistent disciplinarian. As a result, they feel as though they are the ones ALWAYS saying "No", which can be exhausting because you always feel like the mean parent.

    Non-custodial parents can:

  • Have the same rules and discipline the child when they break them

  • Back your CP and their rules

  • Always respect your CP (if kids catch wind you disrespect each other they WILL manipulate this whether they mean to or not)

  • Be available and willing to be present when you need to problem-solve your child's bad behavior

  • Don't be the "Disneyland Parent" provide structure and discipline during your time as well

3. Feeling unappreciated, stressed and burnout Custodial parents can feel burnout.

There is little time for themselves between raising the children and working, which leaves no time for self-care.

Non-custodial parents can:

  • Offer to give the CP a break when it isn’t your time

  • Promote the CP to take care of themselves (this is your children’s parent- you want them around for their sake)

  • Ask how they are and mean it without giving advice on how they should change

  • Pay attention to what the kids say and look for ways you can help your CP

  • Acknowledge to the kids the CP is doing a hard job

  • Express appreciation for your CP to the kids and your CP (a lot of times just being appreciated goes a long way)

  • Encourage the kids to express appreciation and help the CP when they can

Photo of mom and 2 kids sitting on bench outdoors. Are you working to be a supportive non custodial parent? Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL is sharing how you can support the custodial parent.

4. Feeling resentment over the lifestyle of the Non-Custodial Parent

  • The perspective of the CP can be that the NCP has a lot more freedom than they do since the CP has the child a majority of the time. Therefore, the CP may often be dealing with made-up stories in their heads of the "carefree life" the NCP now lives-child-free. Non-custodial parents can:

  • Don’t share your new lifestyle with your CP if you know it will cause resentment

  • If you sense resentment be direct and ask them about it

  • Acknowledge the resentment. Listen to their concerns. Express to them that things may not always be what they seem.

  • Recognize you cannot fix their resentment (that is the recovery work of the CP), but you can be respectful and not add fuel to their resentment fire.

    5. Feeling responsible for keeping the coparent informed about the child’s life.

    CPs can feel like it is up to them to keep the NCP informed about doctor appointments, school updates, problems at school, etc. This information download can become draining and build resentment if one parent shoulders all of the responsibility of informing the other parent.

    Non-custodial parents can:

  • Take this burden off the CP by signing up for school updates so you stay informed

  • Value the CP’s opinion in regards to decisions about what your child is involved in (you can still value someone's opinion and disagree with do this in business all the time)

  • Go to Meet the Teacher, and Parent Conferences, get on the school website, and take responsibility for learning how to stay informed about your child's life

  • Email coaches or after-school teachers/tutors and ask them to copy you on any emails regarding your child

  • Tell the CP what you are doing as a means to help them, not to undermine them

  • Communicate with your child directly about their schedule and life (if old enough) to keep the burden off the CP

    6. Feeling responsible to help the child maintain contact with the coparent

    Often it can become easier and easier for NCPs to fade out of their children's lives as they lose daily contact with their children. Some CPs see it as their responsibility to keep the relationship alive, which can also create exhaustion and resentment.

    Non-custodial parents need to remember that:

  • This is NOT the CP’s responsibility. It’s YOUR child. Figure out what works in terms of staying in contact with YOUR child. Is it texting, FaceTime, emailing, lunch at school once a week, coffee date after school? Be consistent. Don’t give up...Again I say, don't give up! Your child needs you, even when they act like they don't. This is the truth for any parent married or divorced. Parents OFTEN have to be curious about their child and find creative ways they can connect with them.

Photo of dad smiling at daughter. Do you need advice on how to better support your coparent? Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL is sharing how the non custodial parent can support the custodial parent for a positive coparenting relationship/

There are joys and difficulties for both custodial and non-custodial parents.  As grown-ups, divorced parents have got to find ways to dismantle the fences of resentment and injustice that make their coparent an enemy.   Instead, coparents need to become allies in their joint work of raising children.  Having an ally in your coparent will make your life easier and it will make your child's life better.  Kids can eventually begin to thrive after a divorce if parents have learned how to coparent well.  It is not the divorce that harms children, it is the conflict between parents that hurts them.  Part of coparenting well is learning how to support and understand each other in the parenting role and finding green pastures on both sides of the fence.

Interested in Talking to a Coparenting Counselor in Birmingham, AL?

If you are frustrated in your co-parenting relationship and not sure how to move forward, co-parenting counseling with Sara Hadgraft can help! At Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL we want to meet you and help you navigate this process. To get started follow these three simple steps:

  1. Reach out to Sparrow Counseling for a free 15-minute consultation.

  2. Be matched with a caring, experienced coparenting counselor.

  3. Begin your coparenting journey with support.

If you enjoyed this blog you might enjoy my other blogs on coparenting!  Click here to check them out!

Other Services Offered at Sparrow Counseling

At Sparrow Counseling we offer in-person and online therapy in the state of Alabama. In addition to coparenting counseling, our team specializes in reunification therapy, blended family counseling, divorce & family mediation, teen counseling, grief, and loss counseling, couples counseling, and more in Birmingham, Alabama. Learn more by checking out our FAQs and Blog!

Sara Hadgraft, the owner of Sparrow Counseling, is an M.Ed, LMFT, LPC, NCC, Certified Parenting Coordinator, Divorce and Family Mediator (Domestic Violence Trained) and has a private practice called Sparrow Counseling in Birmingham, AL.  She specializes in Parenting Coordination, Co-Parenting Counseling, and Divorce and Family Mediation.  Her passion is helping parents learn how to become successful coparents, so their children can thrive after their divorce.  Contact Sparrow Counseling if you are interested in getting help at


How CAN Custodial Parents Support Non-Custodial Parents? (Part 2)


Co-parenting & Technology: Tips and pitfalls